Friday, June 21, 2019

Obesity and personal responsability Thesis Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Obesity and private responsability - Thesis ExampleHowever, over the past few years, this move has not been much booming and hence the decision to encourage individuals towards taking personal debt instrument for reducing obesity was taken up by the government. Based on this move of the government, this question paper is initiated and is aimed towards resolving answer to the research question which is as followsIs obesity can be really termed as a personal responsibility of the individuals?The research paper will be validated if the governments move towards redefining obesity as a personal responsibility can be evaluated to be successful. Finding Solution to the Research QuestionDuring the year 2004, the Personal Responsibility in Food Consumption Act was passed by the House of Representatives aiming towards prohibiting the lawsuits which be held by the restaurants and this would make the restaurants responsible for the obesity of their customers. After this act was passed, a r epresentative from the Department of Health and Human Services insisted the government to include the factor of personal responsibility rather than bringing changes to the policies. The inclusion of the personal responsibility factor was then started to be initiated by the government through various inventiveness worry that of launching various advertisement campaigns for encouraging people to be more mobile and suffer from less fatigue with lesser fatty foods. The governments move towards the creation of healthful environment within the country was supported by various people as they were of the opinion that the motive was to encourage healthy options for appetite and not discouraging the freedom of selecting food. After the move of the government, various psychologists even indulged themselves in making the people learn the most effective techniques of changing their behavior towards consumption of healthy foods. But the success of these aspects is doubtful as evident from the lower percentage of people doing regular fitness exercise and they are merely involved in any structured activity. Since the government initiated the move towards inducing personal responsibility in obesity, is has been argued that the move cannot become successful. One consequential reason behind this is the peoples preferences for food based on the biological aspect inside their body. The biologically diverse pattern among the humans influences them to prefer certain food such as sweets to other foods such as spicy and vice versa with lots of other preferable choices (Sallis, Obesity Is personal responsibility the answer?). There has been presence of various articles defining the peoples irresponsibility as the most vital reason of obesity since the governments move towards either eradicating or reducing the same. With regards to these articles arguments, one might expect evidences of irresponsible nature of the people towards obesity. But the actual data reveals something oppos ite to the expectation. The following two figures explain the effectiveness of the governments social move towards the aim of reducing obesity within the country. Figure 1 Trends in shield of adolescent Figure 2 Trends in case of adults The above figures showing the trends in the movement of responsible nature

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